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Leg Day Moves

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Love it or leave it, leg day is an important part of any weekly workout routine. Leg day can be dread day for some. I can’t lie leg day usually means soreness and my legs always feel like jello. The only way to build muscle is to tear it down. Without getting too technically, when you lift weights you’re causing micro tears in your muscles. Your body adapts and repairs through rest and various systems in your body. Over time these tiny tear accumulate and you see muscle definition. Strength training also helps you build healthy bones. Strength training may cause you to be sore but trust me the end results look nice.

A good strength workout can be accomplished with or without machines. Don’t misunderstand me, getting in the gym, using free weights or hitting the machines is good for you. But due to various reasons like lockdowns or gym closings out in these Covid streets more and more people are looking for alternative ways to get or remain fit from home.

At home workouts can be done with little to no equipment. But… If home is where you may before a while, I would make a small investment in a few things that can help you with variety in your strength/resistance training. Your local Target, Walmart and even Five Below could be great places to grab a few items. Here a few things I would recommend: A mat, yoga block, some resistance bands, weighted ball or kettle bell. Most of my home gym leg day needs I picked up at Five Below.

Here are a few exercises you can due at home to get’er workout done!







Glute Bridges.



Seated Leg Extension.



Ball Curls.



Wall Sits.






These exercises can definitely build up strength and endurance in your legs. Whether you’re using body weight, weights, or resistance bands. It’s important to be consistent. Working out for 4 to 6 weeks can produce maximal benefits. If building muscle is a goal its also important to add compound and challenging movements to your workout routine.

Finally, it’s also helpful to work with certified personal trainer (CPT), especially if you are new to fitness and exercise. A CPT can make sure you are performing the best exercises for your body, perform the exercises properly, and help you set and achieve goals.

If you’re interested in more one on coaching or personal training, let’s chat! I will be accepting clients in the spring. Fill out my contact form on the contact page, let me know your goals, and I will add you to the wait list.

Let’s get moving,

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