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How It Started vs. How It’s Going

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On social media, there’s a trend where people post pictures showing How It Started versus How It’s Going. Basically, they are old pictures of themselves vs. new or current pictures of themselves. I love these photos because most often they can tell a whole story in a matter of minutes. If I were to show you a photo representing my most faces would look puzzled because there isn’t much difference looking from the outside. The real story is on the inside.

February 2020, just before the entire world shut down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, I wasn’t feeling my best. At the time, I was juggling a lot. I was working 4 jobs. I was teaching group fitness classes at 2 gyms. We have 5 busy kids. The oldest child was a senior in high school played football, basketball, baseball and competed in track & field. The second to the oldest was playing basketball. Thing 1 and Thing 2, are the middle 2 kids. Thing 1, Kelvin Jr, was in soccer and band and Thing 2, Kelsie was in gymnastics year around. In addition to their practice and game/competition schedules, I was also in school full-time all while being a supportive wife to a football coach.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re tired just reading all of that. LOL! I was tired then but it was a different kind of tired. My body just didn’t feel its best. I had headaches constantly. Dark circles under my eyes. I could never drink enough water. It was as if I was vitamin deficient. The only way to confirm that was to get bloodwork done. I made myself appointments with my gynecologist and my primary care physician.

I went to the gyno first and let’s just say the results were astounding to me. My lady parts were all in order but my BP was close to emergency levels. I left the office that day with a prescription for blood pressure maintenance. My gyno suggested I go see my PCP ASAP for additional bloodwork and test. The next week I went to see my PCP. We discussed genetics and history. After blood work results, I was diagnosed with high blood press, borderline high cholesterol and vitamin B & D deficient. My PCP sent me home with additional prescriptions and advise on how to maintain healthy levels with medication.

At the time, I was only 40 and headed for a medicine cabinet full of prescription maintenance drugs. I was so mad at myself. I hated to take meds for common everyday thing like them common cold and allergies. I knew taking meds for BP and cholesterol were going to be a challenge. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

A few weeks after my diagnosis, the world shut down except for essential personnel. Totally bummed and stuck at home, Like you, I found an enormous amount of extra time on my hands so I did a little research and found out with a little hard work and dedication I could eventually come off all my meds and stay off. With permission for my PCP, I took matters into my own hands by moving to a more plant forward diet.

I immediately cut out eggs, all dairy, red meat and pork, increased my vegetable intake by adding a green smoothie in daily. I increased my water intake and started multi mineral vitamin. Also, I went running or walking daily and 3 months later I was able to come off my bp and cholesterol meds completely. Fast forward to today, a month shy of 2 years, in addition to the eggs, dairy, beef and pork I have cut out chicken and turkey. On the rare occasion I eat seafood. Most days I eat vegan meals.

How it’s going

How I started was sluggish, tired all of the time and in constant pain. How It’s going, I’m full of energy taking vitamins regularly and currently working on some fitness goals. I would say I am doing so much better than I was. I have removed a few things off my plate, I spend intentional me time and work to pour into me so that I can continue to pour into my family. I’m grateful for my journey and I can’t wait to see what a difference 2 more years will make.

Prioritize your health and self care. Its hard to pour from an empty vessel. Fill your own love tank before trying to fill others!

With love,

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Atarsha

    What a journey! We are always told you can not judge a book by the cover, this was definitely the situation in your case. So glad you had the discipline to do what was needed to start feeling your best. Go girl!!

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